Teacher Spotlight- 3rd Grade Meet Madison Cunningham. Miss Cunningham is originally from Rogers, Arkansas. She graduated with her Masters from from the University of Arkansas in 2017. This will be her 3rd year teaching at Shaw, but she is looking forward to new adventures as she moves from 4th to 3rd grade! Miss Cunningham is passionate about engaging students in learning and cheering them on to reach their full potential! In Miss Cunningham's free time, she likes to be with friends and family, spend time outside, travel (she just returned from Italy!), exercise, and read. She also worked at Camp War Eagle for 7 years and is a true camp counselor at heart! "I am so excited to begin this year with my new 3rd grade friends!"
almost 5 years ago, Katie Jenkins
Miss Cunningham
almost 5 years ago, Springdale School District
Be looking for information to come home soon about our Summer Library! It is going to be GREAT!
about 5 years ago, Shaw Elementary
Summer Reading Library 2019