We are excited to share this news with our School Family!!! Our teachers and students work so hard and it SHOWED on our test last year. Help us share the good news!

Greetings #SpringdaleFamily,
Due to inclement weather on Friday January 10, 2025, Springdale Public Schools will have a Student Catch-Up day. All School buildings will be closed.
Stay warm and stay safe!

In anticipation for potential inclement weather, the Springdale School District will use the "Early Out Wednesday" Bell Schedule on Thursday January 9, 2025.

Lifetouch retakes have been rescheduled.
mylifetouch.com and use Picture Day ID: EVTWTT8SJ to order in advance. All students that were absent on the original picture day, or are new to Shaw, will also be photographed.

Veteran's Day program

Save the Date!

Don't forget about our Grandparents Breakfast!

🍎 Don’t miss out on free and reduced meal options! Apply now at https://www.schoolcafe.com/springdaleps 📋✨ #SpringdaleFamily

Shaw Stars

Happy Tuesday! We are glad to see our Stars!

Do you have a child that would like to cheer on the Springdale Bulls Football teams?
Use this link to sign up!

Go Hogs!! Join us this Thursday when we cheer on the Hogs!

The School Board discussed student cell phone usage, award-winning staff, substitute pay increases, student achievements and more news relevant to the #SpringdaleFamily at the August meeting!
Read the full story here: https://secure.smore.com/n/vwmt3-school-board-meeting-news

Back to school information! Please read before school tomorrow!

New T-shirts! $15 each.
Order in advance to skip the line at the Ice Cream Social!
Include child's name, teacher or grade, and size needed. in the description. Use the link below to pay and order.

School Supply List for 2024-25

Save the Date: August 7th 3:30-5:30 pm

Learn more about the exciting news happening within Springdale Schools by checking out information from the June School Board meeting! #SpringdaelFamily
Explore more here: https://secure.smore.com/n/ec51h-school-board-meeting-news

We're excited to announce Shaw Elementary School is the first Springdale school to earn the Arkansas STEM Model School designation and the seventh to earn the designation statewide! Congratulations on such an amazing achievement! #SpringdaleFamily
Read the full story: https://secure.smore.com/n/v4m8z-shaw-first-to-earn-stem-designation

District retirees, robotics students and new staff were celebrated at the May School Board meeting. #SpringdaleFamily
Learn more about the meeting, to include the approved 2024-25 salary schedule, here: https://secure.smore.com/n/9vzykm-school-board-meeting-news