Free school meals are still available on the All Virtual Days, Friday and Monday, October 16 and 19. Order your meals by 9am October 16 at Families may pick up their meals from any school. Serving families is why Springdale is #TheChoice!
Important Reminder
It is October 5th, please apply for Free and Reduced Lunch. It is time to POWER UP!
Please apply by October 5th at
Por favor aplicar antes de el 5 de Octubre
Flu Clinic
On this weeks episode of Asi Es Springdale:
We discuss the Flu Clinic Information, Ozark Guidance, Truity Check presentation and Economic Arkansas
There is so much more to Free and Reduced Lunch than Great Food!
Hay mucho mas beneficios en aplicar para almuerzos gratis o reducidos que solo buena comida
It is so much more than a meal! Apply today at
Springdale Parents and Patrons,
Please see this message from Dr. Jared Cleveland, Superintendent about Remote Teacher and Learning Days on October 16 and 19
Have you filled yours out yet? It is time to POWER UP!
Parents please read this important flyer below to learn about free and reduced lunch. Please apply by October 5th.
Padres, por favor lean este anuncio importante sobre almuerzos gratis y reducidos. Favor de aplicar para el 5 de Octubre.
Favor de llenar el formulario de almuerzos gratis y reducidos! Son más que solo almuerzos, también ayudan en apoyar a los programas de nuestro sistema escolar.
Please fill out Free and Reduced Lunch forms! It is more than meals, it also helps important programs in the our school system
When you qualify for Free or Reduced Price Lunch you also get FREE resources and opportunities!
Padres, por favor lean el anuncio importante sobre almuerzos gratis y reducidos. ¡Es más que un almuerzo!
Parents, please read the important announcement about free and reduced lunch. More than just a meal!
Make sure to check out our update about traffic flow in the mornings and afternoons. It has been great so far!
Free Childcare for Essential Workers while funds last. Please follow the prompts below. Taking care of our essential workers is another reason why Springdale Schools is #THEChoice
Did you miss the Meet & Greet? Did you forget to watch the back-to-school videos? Not to worry... Check out our YouTube channel for videos from administrators and teachers!
Guess What? Only 4 more days until school. Help show our community your support of public schools and Shaw Elementary. Make a FB or Instagram post about our school, a former or current Shaw teacher, or your child and their excitement for school on Monday. We want to try to get 200 posts before Monday so our staff can FEEL your support! The teachers are working so hard! Tag your post to Shaw Elementary and #floodthefeedShaw2020 .